

Mailing Instructions

Step 1: Email Us

Start by emailing us at to let us know you plan on shipping us your package so we can plan accordingly.

Step 2: Prepare for Shipping

Get a good box and some cushioning material, or a padded mailer. Put your item in there and make sure it can safely withstand all the travel.

Step 3: Write the To and From

Write our address on the package:

Melanie Casey
Client Services
18 Red Spring Road, Suite 102
Andover, MA 01810

And please be sure to indicate your name (and order number, if applicable) clearly somewhere on or in the package. You will not receive a shipping label from us.

Step 4: Send it Through Your Preferred Shipper

There are three very important things you need to do at the mail courier’s office before you say bon voyage:

  • Require the addressee’s signature for the delivery.
  • Fully insure your package.
  • Get a tracking number for your package.